Bar Rescue Updates – Full Open or Closed List in 2025

Ever wondered if those bars you see on Bar Rescue were able to turn it around or not?

Jon Taffer may know his way around the bar industry, but there’s only so much you can do with dysfunctional owners.

In our full Bar Rescue open or closed list, I take a look at the failure rate for the various bars he tried to turn on around as of 2025…

I’ll share the statistics at the top – keep reading to find detailed Bar Rescue where are they now updates for every single bar from the show.

At the bottom, I also have a Bar Rescue locations map that lets you view every single bar on an interactive map, along with the open or closed status for each bar.

Bar Rescue Open or Closed Statistics

Total Bar Rescues
Total Closures

Bar Rescue success rate


As of 2025, Jon Taffer’s Bar Rescue success rate is 49%. 122 of the bars from Bar Rescue are still open while the remaining 129 bars have closed as of 2025.

🟢 How Many Bars from Bar Rescue are still open?

As of 2025, 122 of the 251 bars featured on Bar Rescue are still open. That means that roughly 49% of the Bar Rescue bars are still open today.

You can click the button below to view all of the Bar Rescue bars that are still open.

🔴 Which Bars from Bar Rescue CLOSED?

As of 2025, 129 of the 251 bars featured on Bar Rescue have closed. That means that roughly 51% of the Bar Rescue bars closed after Jon Taffer’s visit.

You can click the button below to view all of the Bar Rescue bars that are closed.

👉 All Bar Rescue updates 2025

If you want to see an update for a specific bar featured on Bar Rescue, you can use the links below.

I’ve divided the bars by season to make it easier for you to find the right bar. They’re listed by the name that Jon Taffer gave the bar after renovating it (not the original name from the show).

Or, you can also search for episodes by name.

Bar Rescue locations map

Below, you can find our full Bar Rescue locations map, which shows the status and location for every bar from the show.

I’ve used green to mark Bar Rescue bars that are still open, while red means that the bar has closed since the episode aired.

You can also use the filters on the side to only view the bars from a specific season.

Bar Rescue Locations By State

I also have pages that list all of the Bar Rescue episodes by state.

This is a work in progress so I haven’t covered every single state yet, but I have covered the most popular states from the show.

Here are all of my updates for Bar Rescue episodes by state, ordered by the number of appearances in the state:

That wraps up my Bar Rescue updates for 2025.

While around half of the bars have closed and there are plenty of Bar Rescue failures, there are also a lot of Bar Rescue success stories and Jon Taffer has one of the best success rates of any reality TV rescue show.

If you have any thoughts or comments that you’d like to share with me, please let me know in the comments below.

If you want to share your thoughts about a specific Bar Rescue episode, please go to the full update for that episode and leave your comment there.

Thanks for reading!

66 thoughts on “Bar Rescue Updates – Full Open or Closed List in 2025”

All comments are the sole opinion of the commenter and are not endorsed by RealityTVUpdates.

  1. I can’t find the 1st show on Extremes/Second Base, but I’m reading about the Second Base rescue now. Something titled Bikini Bust?
    I am really enjoying this site, reading along or checking after I finish an episode!

    • Glad you like it! I only put up one post for each bar, even if the bar was featured twice. So there’s only one page for Extremes/Second Base even though there were two rescues at it:

      I need to update that page though as the update is pretty short and not very detailed right now. I’ll add it to the list and make it more detailed.

  2. Any thoughts on why so many bars close after taffer leaves? He and his crew do wonderful rescues, train bartenders and cooks. Get owners off the booze while working, clean the bars…. Yet almost half fail after all the help. Any thoughts on why?

    • First off, a lot of these bars are already deep in debt. So even if Taffer fixes everything and the bar is starting to be profitable, it still might not be enough to escape the debt.

      Second, a lot of owners have ditched Jon’s advice/concept after he leaves, which usually has poor results. Taffer can’t force them to keep doing things his way and some owners are beyond saving.

      Third, Covid-19 killed a decent number of bars that had been successful after Taffer’s visit until the health restrictions.

      Finally, in a few cases, Jon Taffer really did get it wrong and put in a bad concept. Or the Bar Rescue producers didn’t get the proper permits and it screwed over the bar. Those cases are a really small percentage, though. Most of the failures were for the first few reasons.

  3. Thanks for the site! Fun to follow up on some of these places we have been to and see what some of these crazy owners have done.

  4. What is the percentage of bars closed after sticking with Tapper’s changes? To say 52% closed is a misleading statistic. How many of those 52% fell back into their failing ways after Tapper’s crew left? That would be a more accurate representation. I’m willing to bet the bars that embraced change, education and technology are thriving and owners that slid back into their filing comfort zones are the majority of closures.

    • I think that gets subjective because not that many bars stick 100% with Jon Taffer’s changes – it’s often a mix of the old with the new. E.g. maybe they keep Taffer’s name but they still bring back some/all of their old menu.

      I also haven’t really noticed any trends either way. There are plenty of bars that kept Taffer’s name/concept and still ended up closing (and plenty that went back to their old ways and closed, of course).

      A lot of times the bars are in so much debt that even if they totally embrace Taffer’s changes it might not be enough to save them.

    • The show is fake. Taffer is rarely in the bars. They train the staff only for a short period of time. What u basically see on camera. All the extra gadgets and machines are taken out after the show leaves. Remember. It’s tv. Fake

  5. Thanks so much for working so hard on these detailed recaps, updates , & random notes on the episodes. I usually only catch the older ones, & often wonder where they are now. Couple questions:
    1. Given all the additional info as to why they closed or additional information, & a roughly 50-50 success rate seems not to good. ie if someone has a 50-50% chance of living, that doesn’t seem good 😬But it you are a “half glass full” kind of person (I get it!)😉
    2. It’s not clear to me who is writing this post. Is it someone’s hobby?
    3. Do you have any thoughts/ideas on how restaurants/bars are chosen?
    Keep up the entertaining posts😊

  6. I think it’s sad so many of Jon’s renovations have closed. I love watching this show. There’s a lot of time and money goes into these renovations. I’m sure there are reasons for closure. At least he gave them a second chance. What they do with it is on them. I’ve enjoyed this site to find out what happened to the renovated places.

  7. Most of the owners are alcoholics and drink for free. And, they party and give the bar away. No experience in bar business. Food ignorant. Spoiled food, Nasty Kitchens. Lazy Management & Employees. Not changing over night. Even after changes they’re not capable of keeping them up. The only way for ABSOLUTE Success is new owners, management and STAFF.. Trust Me, 30yrs of Restaurant Experience here!! I do restaurant consultation as well. The successful restaurants have actually embraced the knowledge of the experts and Jon Taffer. Thank God they have!!! I have visited 2 of the bars in Georgia where I live and actually went a spoke to the owners. Helped one with his kitchen. Selling some equipment he wasn’t using. One has added pizza to his menu and has increased foot traffic because of Bar Rescue!!!

  8. Tropica Bar in Peachtree Corners has Closed. Went yesterday and the outside and inside are bare. Haven’t asked Scott the owner what happened?? It’s for Lease now.

    • Could you share a picture or something if you have it? I checked the bar’s Facebook page and they’re still posting regular updates as if the bar is open. The Tropica website also has events scheduled for all through December 2022.

      • They posted the events months in advance. Don’t know why they even have a Facebook page anymore. Scott probably just didn’t remove it. He wasn’t a fan of the New Name of the bar. Tropica sounds like a Tropical Jamaican Bar?? The bar had smoking before and after the episode. Episode didn’t show that. Space is FOR LEASE.. I went to the front door and the place is EMPTY..

  9. Thanks for what you do, it would be interesting to know, open versus closed of the owners that embraced and continued Jon’s systems that he put into place

    • I’ve thought about this but it’s hard because some bars do a mix. E.g. if a bar keeps most of Taffer’s stuff but goes back to the old food menu, does that count as using Jon’s systems or not? Those types of edge cases are hard.

  10. My son has a bar in Jasper,Georgia. It’s not making any money right now but has the potential. Is there anything you can do to help him? Thank you in advance for your help.

    • I’m not Jon Taffer 🙂 I only wish I was. You can try submitting your son’s bar to the Bar Rescue producers, though.

  11. Your total count is 214, but mine is 215. Wikipedia’s episode list has 235 episodes.

    Add the Lost Episode (South Park) = 236
    Subtract 2 Re-Rescues (Extremes/Second Base and Champagne’s) = 234
    Subtract the UNLV Episode = 233
    Subtract 18 Back to the Bar Episodes = 215

    FWIW, the Lost Episode’s bar was already closed when they aired the episode, and the location stood empty as of late 2022.

    This page has some bars still listed by their original names (e.g. Piratz, Brixton, Dirty Rooster, MT Bottle, Drunken Donkey, Baseline Bar).

    A few episodes no longer appear in reruns. These include “Music City Mess” (because of the murder), “Don’t Mess With Taffer’s Wife” (probably because of the lawsuit), “Meat Sauna,” and “Listen Y’all it’s Sabotage.” The last 2 owners spoke out against the show. Despite his outspoken nature, Howard from Stand-up Scottsdale used to include “as seen on Bar Rescue” in his voicemail prompt when you called the venue back in 2016, even after he moved the location. It would be interesting to know if any of these are available on Amazon or Paramount+

    • Thanks for your comment! I appreciate it.

      You’re right that I’m missing The Lost Episode with South Park. I need to add that one. I guess I should probably include it as part of Season 3.

      For a few I end up listing them by their original name when they didn’t keep Taffer’s name (e.g. Piratz didn’t Corporate Bar and Grill), but you’re right that I’m not consistent about that.

      I know that Music City Mess is hard to find. I also never see them play the Stand Up Scottsdale episode on Paramount TV, but I think it’s still available on streaming (not 100% sure though).

  12. Do you have a road trip layout of the best way to hit all the open restaurants? My fiancé wants to make it a bucket list to hit all of them

    • I don’t have a road trip layout but you could probably use the map to build your own easily. You’d probably want to go across the south part of the country and then up/down the coasts depending on where you’re starting from.

  13. WOW 🤩 I’m so impressed with all the information you provided in such detail! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this for the fans.

  14. It is currently June 7, 2023 and I see the number of close bars just went up by one but I’m not sure which one it is.
    Is there a way you could have a section talking about recent changes because at one point I thought there were 110 bars still open 118 that failed….. now it’s 109 that are still open 119 that are failed so is there a way you could in the future put recent updates to this site to say what’s changed like to see if a recent borrow that was open just changed or something like that so we can see and so hard to guess which ones are closed.

  15. Question: How many bars that kept the Taffer concept are still opened/closed?
    How many who ditched his concept are closed/opened?

    I’m hoping you have those stats.

    • I don’t have those stats unfortunately. It’s kind of subjective so it’s hard to do.

      E.g. if a bar keeps the name that Jon Taffer gave the bar but gets rid of the menu, does that still count as keeping his concept? I think that there are too many edge cases to do it in an accurate way, which is why I’ve never tried.

  16. Hello! I love this comprehensive list and the effort you’ve put in to it. I recently started at episode 1 season 1 to watch the whole series again and discovered this awesome list. Thanks again for your hard work!

  17. “Loveless in Loveland ” Season 8 Colorado Champions Sports Cafe
    lol It wasn’t a hired Jon Taffer impersonation! That was me Duane Farnum the owner and brutally beat up star of Bar Rescue!

  18. Your missing the Philadelphia Pennsylvania bars that were rescued..and other Pennsylvania bars.. I am a die hard fan of Bar rescue.

  19. Is it considered fair use to post a screen shot from the episode on your website?

    I assume that you make money from the ads and are not affiliated with the show, so I was just curious if there are any copyright issues associated with talking about the show or posting a screenshot.

    Has the show reached out to you to be a recon spy?

    The Shut it Down podcast guys were invited (I think one of the San Antonio bars) to do this, and Keven/Mia used to review BR on their afterbuzz podcast.

  20. Format update…

    In an interview, I believe Jon stated that season 9 would have 40 episodes.

    Laura Rhoades, his interior designer, relayed on her IG that she just wrapped #40 and again reiterated that this was the season finale that was just filmed (and that they shot them all more or less consecutively).

    So far, 22 have aired, and we know from other sources that some of the remaining are in greater St. Louis, Detroit/Toledo (supposedly to air in November), and Milwaukee. Feel free to update other known shoots. She had pics from Chicago (a little over an hour from Milwaukee), so I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a few filmed there recently.

    My main reason for posting this is that the previous “seasons” have usually been split up and aired over multiple years. Networks do this so that they don’t have to renegotiate contracts (i.e. pay people more–Catfish, another Paramount commodity, had 100 episodes in a single season). A reason to end a season occurred during the pandemic because so much time went by before another episode was filmed.

    If we get the other 18 and that really is the end of the season, this would mean that the Jon imposters would technically have to re-apply for their jobs to do more rescues.

    Jon has claimed he had a 3-year deal in place which would mean more seasons if so.

    I am a little bit surprised by a 3-year agreement since the ratings appear to be down.


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