Ever wondered if those restaurants you see on Kitchen Nightmares were able to turn it around or not?
Gordon Ramsay is an amazing chef, but he’s not a magician.
In my full Kitchen Nightmares open or closed list, I take a look at the closure rate for the various kitchen nightmares he tried to turn on around as of 2025 and list the number of Kitchen Nightmares restaurants still open.
Further down the page, I’ll also link to detailed where are they now updates for every restaurant from the show.
At the bottom, there’s also a Kitchen Nightmares locations map that shows the location and status for all of the Kitchen Nightmares restaurants.
Note – for the main data, I’m only looking at the restaurants featured Kitchen Nightmares USA.
However, if you scroll to the bottom of the post, I also share updates for the restaurants from the UK version of the show (along with a map of all the Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares restaurants).
Kitchen Nightmares Open or Closed Statistics
Overall Kitchen Nightmares success rate
As of 2025, Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares success rate is 21%. 18 of the restaurants from Kitchen Nightmares USA are still open while the remaining 66 restaurants have closed as of 2025.
These numbers include restaurants from Season 8 of the show, which started airing in September 2023.
If you exclude the new season from the numbers and only look at the original Kitchen Nightmares seasons, Gordon’s success rate was 16%, with 12 of the original 77 restaurants remaining open as of 2025.
🟢 How many kitchen nightmares restaurants still open in 2025?
As of 2025, there are 18 Kitchen Nightmares restaurants still open. That means that roughly 21% of the Kitchen Nightmares restaurants are still successful today.
You can click the button below to view all of the Kitchen Nightmares restaurants that are still open – AKA the Kitchen Nightmares restaurants that made it.
As of 2025, 66 of the 82 restaurants featured on Kitchen Nightmares have closed. That means that roughly 79% of the Kitchen Nightmares restaurants closed after Gordon Ramsay’s visit.
You can click the button below to view all of the Kitchen Nightmares restaurants that are closed.
Kitchen Nightmares success rate by season
Here are the Kitchen Nightmares success rates broken down by each season:
Season | Success Rate |
Season 1 | 0% |
Season 2 | 0% |
Season 3 | 18% |
Season 4 | 17% |
Season 5 | 29% |
Season 6 | 15% |
Season 7 | 33% |
Season 8 | 86% |
👉 All Kitchen nightmares updates 2025
If you want to see an update for a specific restaurant featured on Kitchen Nightmares, you can use the links below. We’ve divided the restaurants by season to make it easier for you to find the right restaurant.
Kitchen nightmares season 1 updates
Kitchen nightmares season 3 updates
Kitchen nightmares season 5 updates
- Blackberry's - CLOSED
- Leone's - OPEN
- Mike & Nellie’s Steakhouse - CLOSED
- Luigi's D'Italia - OPEN
- The Greek at the Harbor - OPEN
- Burger Kitchen - CLOSED
- Michon's Restaurant - CLOSED
- El Greco - CLOSED
- Park's Edge - CLOSED
- Spin A Yarn - OPEN
- Charlie's Italian Bistro - CLOSED
- Cafe Hon - CLOSED
- Chiarella's - CLOSED
- Zocalo - CLOSED
Kitchen nightmares season 6 updates
- La Galleria 33 - CLOSED
- Mama Maria's - CLOSED
- Ms. Jean's Southern Cuisine - CLOSED
- Barefoot Bob’s Beach Grill - CLOSED
- Olde Hitching Post - OPEN
- Levanti's - CLOSED
- Sam's Mediterranean Kabob Room - CLOSED
- Nino's Italian Restaurant - CLOSED
- Mill Street Bistro - CLOSED
- Yanni's - OPEN
- Prohibition Grille - CLOSED
- Chappy's - CLOSED
- Amy's Baking Company - CLOSED
Kitchen nightmares season 7 updates
Kitchen Nightmares open or Closed by location
Use the interactive map below to browse the Kitchen Nightmares open or closed list by location:
Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares (UK) Updates
In addition to updates for the USA version of Kitchen Nightmares, we’re also working on adding updates for the UK version of the show, titled Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares.
Season 1 of Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares (uk)
Season 2 of Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares (uk)
Season 3 of Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares (uk)
Season 4 of Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares (uk)
Season 5 of Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares (uk)
- Love's Fish Restaurant - CLOSED
- Piccolo Teatro - CLOSED
- The Priory - CLOSED
- The Fish and Anchor - CLOSED
- The Curry Lounge - CLOSED
- The Granary - CLOSED
Ramsay’s Great British Nightmare
Costa Del Nightmares
Ramsay’s kitchen nightmares uk location map
Here’s an interactive map of all the Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares restaurants that we’ve published updates for:
That wraps up our full Kitchen Nightmares where are they now roundup.
While a lot of the Kitchen Nightmares restaurants closed as of 2025, it’s important to remember that the show is more than a decade old now, so it’s natural for restaurants to close in that time.
For example, Ms. Jean’s Southern Cuisine closed in October 2022, which was around a decade after the episode aired on TV.
That’s definitely not a failure for Gordon Ramsay!
Additionally, there are still some real Kitchen Nightmares success stories, such as Lido di Manhattan, which has built a thriving business and is definitely one of the most successful Kitchen Nightmares restaurants.
If you have any comments about the show or my Kitchen Nightmares updates page in general, please let me know in the comments section below.
If you want to discuss a specific restaurant from the show, please use the comments section on that restaurant’s detailed update.
Thank you for taking the time to read and I hope you enjoyed this post!
I think Gordan is a guises with big balls!! I just loved his “Kitchen Nightmare Days” That had to be tough on him. But he inspires So Many ppl!! I just Love him. I wish I was a wee bit younger. I found my passion by watching him. I’ve always loved to cook. But it was for the family. I was really good. I’m to old and I’m to bad of health to start now. If I’d seen anything he did in the 80s. I When i was in my 20s. I would of gone straight to Culinary School.
The Pandemic caused a lot of restaurants to close. It would be interesting to see how many were open and thriving late 2019.
Miss Jean’s and Mama Maria both closed in 2022-2023 due to the aging owners retirement. They were successful for 2 years after coivd.
And Cafe Hon as well. That’s at least 3 where the owner retired a decade after the show ended.
Any updates on which ones are dead?
I came here to ask that too ..how many were due to the pandemic?
I don’t track that specifically but I don’t remember it affecting a lot of Kitchen Nightmares restaurants.
It was a much bigger issue for bars on Bar Rescue, as a lot of them closed.
I didn’t see La Riviera/Abstract on the UK list?
You’re right – I need to add this one still. Will try to do it ASAP
Did you add it? I still don’t see it.
What is the general consensus for *why* the KN success rate is so abysmal? That is kind of the ultimate question. I mean obviously every single situation is different. But it is saying something, big-picture wise, that a Michelin restaurateur of Ramsay’s caliber leaves behind such a horrific trail of failure among all these restaurants he has tried to help turn around.
Why? How?
Is it Ramsay personally? Bad methods, poor changes, too unhelpfully harsh, etc? I seriously doubt this, generally speaking.
So then is it the structure of the show? E.g., producers trying to drum up drama get in Ramsay’s way? Etc.
Is it the fact that they choose the *worst* possible restaurants for the sake of a great episode, so far gone that a single week with *any* world-class restauranteur is just too little too late?
I’ve poked around this website a bit, including the blog, and haven’t really seen an answer to this question (maybe I just missed it).
I’m just curious what others think!
Personally I think it shows that it’s not easy running a restaurant. Most of the people Ramsay helped had years of bad practices which is something that can’t be fixed over one day, unless deeply they really accept the problem, want to succeed and willing to change.
As someone who has worked in hospitality sector before, I definitely think running a restaurant required strong will, expertise, leadership skills and more, because not only you have to give up evenings and weekends, you’ll also need to understand what are the regulations for food safety, whilst also maintaining the quality.
I think quite a few owners end up going back to their old ways.
I believe some were already so far in debt they couldn’t recoup in time.
In restaurants you also have to be aware of any new competition and alter things to keep on top.
I know of one here that was on the show and it closed because the location was bad. People would want to go, but there was no parking lot and not many people didn’t want to walk blocks to eat. It was more convenient to go elsewhere.
There are so many things that go into keeping a restaurant successful.
Not all of Ramsay’s menu’s and concepts fit with the locals. For instance, I believe it was season 5, Ramsay came to Massachusetts and went to Barefoot Bobs. BB’s was a beach bar with bar food during the day, and a local’s bar at night. It was gross. Ramsay turned it into a high end sea food restaurant. It did not work. The town is very small and a seasonal town (beach town).
The owners flipped everything Ramsay did the day he left. They closed, and would have either way.
GORDON’S COMING BACK, BABY!! New Kitchen Nightmare episodes have started filming…
American media broadcaster Fox has renewed Kitchen Nightmares, which means a whole brand-new series of the show will be created for our viewing pleasure! In a breakdown of the broadcaster’s Autumn TV scheduling plans, Fox revealed that a new series of Kitchen Nightmares would air in late 2023 or early 2024.
I saw that! I can’t wait. I hope it’s 2023 and we don’t have to wait until next year.
My daughter attending a taping of the new show tonight. Can’t wait to see what he does with the restaurant and wait to see the show aired.
Wow that’s awesome! I’m so happy they’re already filming. Can you share the location?
Hopefully this time he will be allowed to beat up the bad owners and chefs with his own “security team” every week.
LOL…The Gordon Goon Squad!!
You should consider doing Inkmaster TV updates. They had a lot of interesting characters on the various seasons of the show.
Mama Maria’s is open… They may have closed temporarily, but they opened back up. There are reviews from less than a month ago
I think a lot of the closures were due to the pandemic. Others could’ve been the owners retired or even went back to their old ways because its hard to break a habit. Also, a lot of these episodes are at least a decade old so it could’ve been a number of things.
Covid didn’t really affect the Kitchen Nightmares restaurants that much. It was a much bigger deal for Bar Rescue.
I think part of this is that all the bad restaurants were already closed before Covid because it had already been 7+ years. The only ones still open are really solid businesses that were able to survive Covid.
Mayfair / Jacks Chicken Shack – Costa del Nightmares – Where is this episode of the UK show??
I think I might be missing this one and maybe one other from the UK Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares. I will try to add them ASAP.
It’s estimated that 80% of restaurants fail in the first 5 years of opening in the US. Considering that the majority of RKN’s are either in financial trouble or management breakdown or both. 16% still open is probably as good as can be expected after 19 years
I think the amount of time spent is unrealistic. People don’t change that fast. The “transformations” at the end of the show don’t ring true. People just go back to the way they were doing things before. I look at this show as having been solely for entertainment, not to actually accomplish anything other than to discourage me from ever eating at a restaurant after seeing some of those kitchens.
Just so everyone knows, I went to culinary school and they first thing they tell you is that MOST RESTAURANTS FAIL. The National Restaurant Association estimates a 20% success rate for all restaurants.
First it takes years for most to even make money and most never do. Eating trends are so fickle and you have the demo of the areas where people move and online shopping for food is so easy now not to mention covid. Its just hard for restaurants period. I would say 21% is actually pretty good considering these people were all already on their way out and deep in debt. That’s higher than national average.
Does the 21% success rate include S8 restaurants? I think it would be inaccurate to include them.
It does, but I also added the number for just the old episodes. It’s in the “KITCHEN NIGHTMARES OPEN OR CLOSED STATISTICS” section.
The Kitchen Nightmares success rate is 16% if you look at just the original 7 USA seasons.
this is a great website and I appreciate all the effort it takes.
I was curious if anyone put the 20% success rate that Joey posted. I think even a 16% success rate for what was likely to be a 0% success rate is amazing.
I don’t think that all of the restaurants in the exotic season were shown, I was wondering what happened to Mayfair/Jacks chicken shack
I think I am missing a couple from the UK series. Will try to add them when I have some time. Thanks for the comment!
My mother and I had been one of the places that ended up closing. She had been there when they had a good reputation and even bragged about it to friends who wanted to try it; needless to say, it was on it’s decline at that point but my mom made a huge point…
Where were the health inspectors when it came to all of the places with the beyond disgusting kitchens and walk-ins?? Could there have been kickbacks or something more nefarious? And how much of it was for tv?
More importantly, why did Ramsay always try the food first – and then after, investigate the kitchen/fridges/freezers for bad food?
That seemed to be the case for a lot of the episodes. If you consistently get disgusting food that could make people sick, why would you not inspect first no matter what. Seems kinda unhealthy the way it is.
Some were evidently doing alright, but the owners simply left the business.
Just a suggestion with the list of closed and still open restaurants. Perhaps what you can do is to separate restaurants that closed down due to owners retiring, as well as probably add timelines or something. For example, how many closed down with 5 years after Gordon visited and helped? How many closed down between 5 – 10 years? That way, it will not show that Gordon was not able to help at all. I think this way will be more fair to Kitchen Nightmares. Thank you.
This tbh
It is kind of an unfair metric to say that, e.g., a restaurant closing after a decade of its original airing is a “failure”. If it manages to survive for a few more years, that should count as a success.
I am missing La Riviera en Clubway 41 !
Some are missing from the list. Like La Riviera in Inverness, Scotland. Although it’s an almost 20 year old episode in the UK rendition.
I think it’s also called Abstract.
Can you make a top 10 of episodes that are the BEST or CRAZIEST in your opinion? I really like this page
Hmm I usually just post updates for the individual episodes, but it could be fun to do if other people are interested. You can also find pretty good lists on Reddit, though.