VFW Post 6216 Bar Rescue Update – Albuquerque – Still Open in 2023?

Is VFW Post 6216 still open today?

Status: >> OPEN <<
(keep reading to learn what happened)

Season: 7 | View All Season 7 Episodes
Original Episode Air Date: March 29, 2020
The Bar's Original Name Was: VFW Post 6216
VFW Post 6216 Address: 2631 Bridge Blvd SW Albuquerque, NM 87105

VFW Post 6216 Bar Rescue Update

Episode Recap

VFW Post 6216 was an Albuquerque, New Mexico bar that was featured on Season 7 of Bar Rescue.

Though the VFW Post 6216 Bar Rescue episode aired in March 2020, the actual filming and visit from Jon Taffer took place around six months before that in September 2019.

It was Season 7 Episode 5 and the episode name was “Saving Post 6216”.

In this episode, Jon Taffer visits VFW Post 6216, which is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

This is a bit of a unique episode as the VFW is a non-profit organization, so he’s not trying to create a profitable business per se.

Instead, he’s trying to boost visibility for the organization and increase its membership.

There are VFW posts all around the country, which are built for veterans of foreign wars (hence the VFW).

The VFW is a great place for members and their family members, called auxiliary members, to get together and have fun. 

The Albuquerque VFW Post 6216 was built back in 1966, so it’s been around for a lot of time before the VFW Post 6216 Bar Rescue visit.

The current commander of the post is Rudy Vallez. 

VFW Post 6216 leader

Johnny, the quartermaster, is in charge of the upkeep of the VFW and the finances.

Unfortunately, Johnny has PTSD, and the community at the VFW benefits Johnny’s mental health.

Membership has declined, and now non-members are the primary clientele. 

Jon Taffer arrives and meets with the New Mexico International VFW organization’s manager, Mark Decker.

Mark informs Jon that membership in the VFW has declined, and many smaller posts have had to shut down.

Rudy, Johnny, and Ric are introduced to Jon.

The men tell Jon the median age for a member is 64 years old. 

Diane, the manager, Jeff, a member, and Christian, the bartender, are shown on the camera footage.

The camera footage also shows the customers using red plastic cups for drinking.

The walls are cluttered with posters and American Flags.

The kitchen doesn’t get used very often. 

The following day Chef Tiffany Derry joins Jon Taffer to help rescue the post. 

Jon shows her the state of the kitchen.

There are three microwaves in the kitchen which is how the members cook most of their food.

Jon meets with members of the VFW who tell him they are failing because they have no new members.

There is no marketing or advertising or new members, though.

Rob Floyd, an expert mixologist, is introduced to help with drinks at the post.

He tests the bartenders on different drink recipes and has them practice making simple cocktails.

The VFW doesn’t serve food, but they need to for catering.

For the stress test, Chef Tiffany will do the cooking, which gives it a big advantage over other Bar Rescue bars.

The stress test begins, and the bar falls behind and has to dump many drinks.

The ice machine is leaving insect droppings and body parts in the glasses.

The bar is shut down.

Rudy and Johnny tell Jon they do not usually cook, and Jon promises to put something in place for them to run efficiently. 

VFW Post 6216 stress test

For the relaunch, Jon wants to have a military ball and try to recruit newer, younger members.

The members hold a membership drive before the relaunch and discuss how much they need new joiners.

Rob shows the bartenders quick drinks to make for a banquet at the bar. 

While all of that’s happening, Jon Taffer are working on renovating and improving the post.

The new bar and exterior and revealed.

There is a new mural on the front of VFW Post 6216.

The walls are now decorated with pictures of members in their uniforms.

Inside, the bar has been gifted a beer cooler, a POS system, and a video system.

There is also a whole new and improved kitchen. 

So was the VFW Post 6216 Bar Rescue visit a success? Let’s talk about how the post is doing in 2025.

VFW Post 6216 Update - What Happened Next?

Now that we’ve recapped the VFW Post 6216 Bar Rescue visit, let’s talk about what happened to the post after Jon Taffer and his crew left Albuquerque, NM.

Things seem to start off well.

At the standard six-week check-in with the Bar Rescue producers, the producers said that memberships at the post were growing.

Obviously, it’s a little different than a regular rescue because it’s a non-profit organization rather than a for-profit business.

But still, it’s good that the organization got attention and membership is growing.

Is VFW Post 6216 from Bar Rescue still open?

As of 2023, VFW Post 6216 is still open and serving veterans in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The post is very active on its Facebook page and regularly posts about events and food specials.

The post seems to be posting a lot of food specials, which suggests that the kitchen is getting more use than it was before Jon Taffer’s visit.

For example, here’s a picture of a recent Taco Tuesdays promotion at VFW Post 6216:

VFW Post 6216 Taco Tuesday

In addition to sharing what’s happening at the post, VFW Post 6126 also posts a lot of resources for veterans on the page.

VFW Post 6216 also isn’t the only VFW that Jon Taffer has rescued.

If you want to see the other VFW rescues, you can check out my posts on the VFW Post 10054 update in Pahrump NV and the VFW Post 9644 update in Sheridan CO.

If you want to see some other New Mexico Bar Rescue episodes, you can check out my updates for The Sandbar / Playa Island in Albuquerque and Lucky 66 Bowl / Great 66 Entertainment Center in Albuquerque.

And if you want to share your thoughts on VFW Post 6216 and/or the Bar Rescue episode, you can do so using the comments section below.

Thanks for reading!

More Information


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And don't forget to check out all of the other Bar Rescue updates.

Last updated: 2023-05-27 08:43

9 thoughts on “VFW Post 6216 Bar Rescue Update – Albuquerque – Still Open in 2023?”

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  1. I’m a member of American Legion Post #184 Redondo Beach, California. Our post can use some assistance in managing our bar due to mismanagement of sales & poor bar management. Our post is about to turn 100 years old.

  2. I hope VFW 6216 is growing and producing many events with their new bar rescue. Thank you for giving back to the veterans and I wish them continued success and growth. Sadly the pandemic hurt the hospitality business and impacted them severely. Good luck!

  3. I liked your show in paticular the VFW rescue 6216. I am in Johnstown Colorado. I go to our VFW often but would like to see it grow.

  4. Bar Rescue is one of my favourite programs on TV here in Australia. Being an ex Defence Force member with the RAAF, Episode VFW 6216 was even very emotional for me, and I have seen it twice, and so glad they are still open, well done Jon Taffer and all the members. Truly proud veterans of their service to their country as we all are. Keep it going guys!

  5. I am not a veteran, but this rescue was very moving for me on many different levels. Jon pulled this post together, and the veterans/auxiliary are keeping it going. The VFW Posts can do so much in helping so many outposts areas such as the VA hospitals and community centers. This was a very good episode that shows how important the VFW posts are anywhere in the world. Great Job!


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