(keep reading to learn what happened)
Season: 3 | View All Season 3 Episodes
Original Episode Air Date: May 24, 2016
Angler's Lodge Address: 3363 Old Hwy 191 Island Park, ID 83429

Episode Recap
Angler’s Lodge was an Island Park, Idaho hotel featured on Season 3 of Hotel Hell.
Though the Angler’s Lodge Hotel Hell episode aired in May 2016, the actual filming and visit from Gordon Ramsay took place much earlier in late 2015.
It was Season 3 Episode 1 of Hotel Hell.
In this episode, Gordon Ramsay visits Angler’s Lodge located in Island Park, Idaho.
As you’d expect, Angler’s Lodge has fishing spots right there, as it’s located on Henry’s Fork, which is a tributary of the Snake River.
Island Park, Idaho itself is in a beautiful area. It’s just to the west of Yellowstone National Park and surrounded by beautiful wildlife and nature.
Married couple DeDe and Dave Eby bought the land in 1999 because it was near some of the best fisheries.
He wanted to be able to fly-fish while running the lodge. Give a man a fish, he’ll eat a man for a day. Buy a man a fishing lodge, he’ll…well, I’m kind of messing up my metaphors, but you get the idea.
Their son Zac acts as the manager, and he grew up in the hotel as a waiter and runner.
The business was going so well that they decided to expand initially, but sadly, they had to delay those plans when their ten-year-old son Dalton died.
I don’t want to bring up the Angler’s Lodge Idaho tragedy in much detail because it seems like a thing that should be private, but here’s a news article about what happened if you’re really interested. It’s really sad and I feel so bad for the family having to deal with the death of their son in such a tragic way.
Upon arrival, Gordon Ramsay thinks the Angler’s Lodge is stunning, which isn’t always the case for hotels that are featured on Hotel Hell.
Savanna, the owner’s daughter, greets him when he arrives.
Soon after, Gordon is greeted by the rest of the family, who inform him about the hotel’s success when they first opened.
After Gordon sees his room, he describes the view as beautiful but the room as sad.
The air conditioner was dust-filled and it just generally seemed a bit neglected.
Gina in the restaurant tells Gordon that Zac comes into work late daily, which is a bit of an issue.
The food isn’t much better, either.
They serve Gordon frozen chicken wings and BBQ sauce. He is disappointed.
Gordon describes the trout as being the worst trout he ever had, when it should be fresh given Angler’s Lodge’s location.
Gina, the chef, has freedom over the menu and has written it.
Dave is trying to keep the costs low, but that affects the quality of the lodge.
Gordon meets with the staff the next day to tell them feedback from the customers.
Many complaints are about Dave’s attitude, saying he makes customers feel unwelcome.
Dave claims he is friendly, but Gordon says his friendliness is assertiveness.
Gordon and Dave walk away from the cameras to the car to have a heart-to-heart.
Gordon tells Dave that there is a lack of commitment from the staff and that he has to let people know how loving and generous he is.
The owners and Gordon meet, and Gordon shows them memories from the lodge’s early days.
He wants to remind them of the reasons they built the lodge in the first place.
To get things back on track, the renovation team gives the rooms an extensive makeover.
Gordon also prepared a new menu for the kitchen staff to debut during relaunch night.
Gordon also invited the locals back to help and rebuild their relationship with the owners.
A food critic is coming to the relaunch, so the stakes are high.
However, Gina doesn’t allow the sous chef to dress a salad, and she begins to struggle in the kitchen.
The food critic orders a kale salad, but Gordon stops it from going out because he thinks it isn’t good enough.
After Gina sends out more terrible dishes, Gordon sends her home.
The kitchen then picked up, and there were no more complaints from customers.
However, Gordon still thinks the family needs some help, so he introduces them to a consultant named Emily who will work with them for a month or so.
Gordon also orders Dave and Dede to have dinner, just the two of them, to help them rekindle their own passion in addition to the passion for the lodge.
So was the Angler’s Lodge Hotel Hell episode a success? Keep reading our update to learn what happened next and if the Idaho hotel is still open in 2025 and beyond.
Angler's Lodge Update - What Happened Next?
Now that we’ve recapped the Angler’s Lodge Hotel Hell visit, let’s talk about what happened after Gordon Ramsay gave up the island life and left Island Park, ID.
In general, things have been going well for Angler’s Lodge, in large part because Dave and Dede have redeveloped their passion for running the lodge.
They’ve also expanded beyond just offering lodge rooms – they now offer three cabins that people can rent if they need more space.
These cabins have five separate bedrooms, two full bathrooms, a full kitchen, and just generally everything a big family needs for a successful vacation.
Is Angler’s Lodge from Hotel Hell still open?
As of 2023, Angler’s Lodge is still open and serving patrons in Island Park, ID. Reviews for the hotel are about average, as it has a 3.5 star rating on both TripAdvisor and Yelp.
Most other booking platforms are around that same range or a bit higher. For example, it has 4.2 stars on Google Reviews, 4.1 stars on Expedia, and 4.1 stars on Booking.com.
If you’re in the Island Park, Idaho area and you’d like to book a stay at Angler’s Lodge, you can do so via the official Angler’s Lodge website or one of the many third-party booking platforms such as Expedia, Hotels.com, and Bookings.com.
As of 2022, the prices for the cheapest rooms start at around $100 per night, though it depends if it’s during the winter or summer.
If you want one of the full cabins, you’re looking at more like $600 per night, so it’s a big difference.
Here’s a screenshot of the prices to give you an idea:
You can also book the Angler’s Lodge cabins via Airbnb (for a slightly higher price). For example, here’s the listing for the Edgewater Cabin at Airbnb.
Angler’s Lodge reviews after Gordon Ramsay visit
As I mentioned, Angler’s Lodge has a 3.5 star rating on TripAdvisor, which is ok but not amazing.
Here’s a sampling of a few TripAdvisor reviews that were written after the Angler’s Lodge Gordon Ramsay visit…
Review 1:
Review 2:
Review 3:
What happened to the Angler’s Lodge Idaho owners?
As of 2022, Dave and DeDe Eby are still the owners of Angler’s Lodge.
That means nothing has changed in terms of ownership after the Hotel Hell Angler’s Lodge episode.
They seem to be doing well and the hotel is still a family affair, with other family members still working at the hotel.
If you want to see another Idaho Hotel Hell episode, you can check out the Roosevelt Inn update in Coeur d’Alene.
That hotel is also still open as of 2022, so it seems like Gordon Ramsay did a good job on his Idaho trip!
More Information
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And don't forget to check out the full Hotel Hell open and closed list.
Last updated: 2023-01-22 08:58
Thank god Gina hit the splits . Good riddance
Thought gordon was very considerate with them not his usual foul-mouthed affair I’m glad the restaurant is still functioning even after covid I felt like they were worthy of his help
Mad respect for the son standing up and asking Chef Ramsey to so alittle more respect for his mother, DeDe. My heart goes out to this family for their loss. This was the saddest but mist triumphant episode of Hotel Hell ever.
Ironically, I felt the exact opposite. By the time “Hotel Hell” came about, there had already been “Kitchen Nightmares,” and probably at least the first season of HH would have been aired. So, with that in mind, Gordon’s demeanor when he goes to these places is extremely common knowledge, and I didn’t find his behavior any stronger than any of the other episodes, in fact, he already seemed a bit more mellow. I thought the son calling out Ramsay for doing pretty much the same thing he’s done in virtually every other episode was a bit out of touch.
It never ceases to amaze me the people that ask for his help, knowing how he operates, and then speak to the camera in amazement that he said rude things to them. Maybe you could believe that in the first season of KN, but after that, his method was well-known, yet people still had the misguided thought that for some reason, he was going to be nice to them.
Also, I’ve watched every episode of KN and HH. Yes, he’s rude, but I’ve never felt at any time he’s just rude to BE rude. He’s rude to snap people out of bad habits and delusions.
It never ceases to amaze me that people on KN or HH question Ramsay. This is a guy that owns many establishments across the globe, some of which are Michelin-starred, and the failing owner always knows what’s best; frozen seafood is okay, prep days or weeks in advance, etc.
FFS, Gordon and his wife put their apartment up as collateral to buy Petrus (spelling, idk) and he developed a highly successful restaurant empire from it, not to mention the TV paychecks. Me, being a casual observer of his shows, I’d listen to what he has to say. He’s obviously done something right. However, some of his decorating is questionable, especially on KN.
This episode in particular, what a gorgeous hotel. The hand-hewed pine everywhere is amazing. I liked the updated rooms. The building itself and the location is absolutely stunning. Bonus points to the owner for sweet moustaches throughout the years.
The thing that also surprises me is that every time they don’t clean before he comes, they don’t clean the walk in fridge, they don’t take any care in preparing his food, etc. It’s amazing he doesn’t just walk out in disgust. Of course even worse are the ones that dump on him after he leaves. (I’m talking in general, not specifically this lodge.)
We all know that reality tv is staged (in varying degrees). Hard to figure out exactly where that line is, but my guess has always been that they agree to show problems ie a dirty fridge, or a son screaming at Gordon, to add some drama and problems. My biggest tell is every time Gordon says “Oh My” in that tsk tsk tone lolol. But if they don’t show some over the top problems, probably not worth him flying around the world to help…..and he can legitimately help, as proven here!!! And I was glad, as this family was receptive and had been through hell. Always glad when people seem kind and truly just need help….as we all do sometimes
True, I agree all reality TV is not that real (read: staged) to some extent. But, It’s Fox, an entertainment company. They want to get ratings. Ratings drive ad revenue. At the end of the day, Gordon still gets a paycheck and the hotel either survives or it doesn’t.
Unfortunately, the showrunners don’t give a flying foxtrot about these businesses. They want entertainment.
I do wish most of these people the best and am happy to see them succeed. Some (b/t KN and HH) are horrible people and need a shot or seven of reality. Taxes and the cost of doing business is steep. Most restaurants run a 2% margin.
I doubt that the son is the one who asked him to come, and he maybe didn’t know about Gordon Ramsey’s swearing (although maybe the name of the show should’ve given him a clue). The son wasn’t doing a good job as a manager, and then he said the s word and made his point invalid, but I hate Gordon’s swearing too, I think it’s unprofessional and detracts from what he says. He’s actually nice to servers and sometimes to the owners, but still swears around people when he’s trying to be nice.
I felt the same. I thought the son’s objection was phony, and only said to deflect attention away from his own indifference. This was obvious because a few seconds later, there he was, swearing himself, in front of his mother. I don’t believe he thought of his mother as a delicate little flower who would break down upon hearing a swear word. She had already been through so much! I also don’t know why some people are astounded at the way Gordon speaks to them – they must know how he is, because they’ve asked for his help.
“manufactured conflict” is the reality TV bullshit jargon you’re looking for.
I thought the son came across as a complete hypocritical pussy, and it was very satisfying when Gordon shut him down immediately in that exchange.
I thought he was great in this episode and the most important thing he did was point out the two people who shouldn’t be there (Gina and Zac). With an invested chef and GM they might not have been in such dire straits, in spite of the family tragedy.
It would be interesting to know how much scouting is done before they film the episode and if the staff is asked to leave everything the way it is before the cameras start rolling. Like that cheesecake for instance lol.
Glad they seem to be doing well all these years later.
Your link about the son’s death is behind a paywall. Here’s a working one: https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna8564775
Thank you. I have to wonder why parents allow children to play unsupervised out of doors. To me it’s a form of neglect, even a tacit look in every now and then is better than leaving them to it. At least until you are certain they have the maturity to play responsibly.. having said that, this is a horrible tragedy and I hope this issue has been raised in the school system as something that could be fatal and never done, barring a suicide attempt of course.
Oh please. Accidents happen. Letting your kids play outside is a normal part of life. There’s no amount of helicopter parenting that can protect your kids at all times. In fact you hinder their maturity by building a bubble-wrapped world for them.
Yeah, one time I almost go hit by a car because I didn’t look both ways before crossing the street.
If only my mom was there at all times to be by personal crossing guard…
I hate what this country is coming to. You hit the nail on the head with the bubble-wrap metaphor.
How old are you? Children played unsupervised since literally the beginning of upper primate evolution.
FFS, I blacked myself out in elementary school seeing who could hold their breath the longest. Kids do stupid things.
Newer kids are dumber, I agree, with this “choking game,” which started when I was in college, but it’s not an excuse to justify helicopter parenting. Hell, when my dad was a kid, they’d ride bikes to go fishing 45 minutes away…with no phones or social media…in the ’70s. No issues. They all lived to talk about it.
By definition, suicide is fatal, FYI.
There’s a lot of inconsistencies in this post the hotel is run still by the owners but there is New Management none of their family works here anymore in the restaurant is fully run by a new group and the food is very eclectic now and no more fried food we are trying to elevate the food and hotel experience so please feel free to come by and make a true review with the new people running it we will greatly appreciate it we even have a cook that used to work for Gordon Ramsay
That’s great! Good to hear there new changes, I hope one day I can visit.
Interesting how their son Zach was not too keen on working there back then (didn’t he say “hell no” when asked by Gordon?!) but there’s a Tripadvisor review from June 2023 where a guest says he was a great waiter. Maybe his folks talked him into staying on to eventually take over?
This was one family I’m glad to see Gordon’s help & generosity worked well for.
Yes, as opposed to most owners on KN and HH, these people LITERALLY built the place vice bought. Glad to see them succeed, especially considering the location and beautiful construction.